Air Aspects Aerial
Photo and Video Projects

Recent Aerial Photography Projects

Aerial Photography in Real Estate

Aerial photography has become an increasingly important tool for the real estate industry. It allows real estate professionals to showcase properties in a way that traditional ground-level photography simply cannot match. In this article, we will explore the many ways in which aerial photography can help the real estate business.

Firstly, aerial photography provides a unique perspective that allows potential buyers to see the entire property and its surroundings. This can be especially useful for properties with large plots of land, such as farms, ranches, and estates. Aerial photography can also be used to showcase large commercial properties, such as shopping centers and office buildings, giving potential buyers a sense of the scale of the property.

Additionally, aerial photography can be used to highlight the unique features of a property.

The Benefits of Aerial Photography in Construction

Aerial photography can be a valuable tool in the construction process, providing a unique perspective and valuable information that can help with planning, monitoring progress, and identifying potential issues.

One of the key benefits of aerial photography is that it provides a bird’s eye view of the construction site, allowing for a comprehensive overview of the project. This can be particularly useful for large construction sites, where it can be difficult to get a sense of the overall layout and progress from ground level. Aerial photography can also be useful for identifying potential issues or areas of concern, such as potential obstacles or hazards, that may not be immediately apparent from the ground.

Interesting aerial shoot of empty lot in Smithfield

This aerial shoot was something different! 

I was commissioned for an aerial photo shoot for an empty lot.  The owner is going to be planning a house for the property,  and wanted the lot plans overlaid on the photos for 3rd party reference.


Aerial Photography Projects

Virginia Beach Construction Progress Aerial Shoot
Friday July 19th 2024

Suffolk Aerial Farm Land Mapping Project
Sunday June 30th 2024

Aerial Shoot for a Chesapeake Cold Storage facility
Monday June 17th 2024

Suffolk aerial photo shoot for an almost completed hotel
Monday June 03rd 2024

Sunny Suffolk Aerial Construction Shoot
Friday May 17th 2024

Final aerial shoot for a Portsmouth Warehouse
Wednesday May 01st 2024

Suffolk Economic Development Aerial Photos
Friday April 19th 2024

Revisiting a Suffolk Aerial Shoot location
Friday March 15th 2024

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Contact Us

If you would like more information, please feel free to contact us by either phone or email.

+1 (757) 672-2403
Based in
Chesapeake, Virginia 23320

Business Hours: Mon - Fri 8.30am - 5.30pm
Because of location shooting, we cannot accept walk-ins.
Please call for an aerial photography appointment.